For beginners: 

Practical Training on Control Engineering I

Regelungstechnisches Praktikum I

The Practical Training on Control Engineering I learning software teaches you the basics of control engineering interactively using simulated processes.


Practical Training on Control Engineering II

Regelungstechnisches Praktikum II - Zimmertemperaturregleung

The Practical Training on Control Engineering II learning software teaches you the basics of control engineering interactively using simulated processes
For practitioners: 


ControlBoard LT - Regelstrecken zum anfassen

Learn the basics of control technology with the ControlBoard-LT and the associated learning software.


LC2030 Training

LC2030 Training - Software

Use the LC2030 training for individualized learning for hands-on teaching in control engineering and GRAFCET.

For advanced users: 

Practical Training on Control Engineering III

Regelungstechnik III - Beliebige Strecken und Regler

With the Practical Training on Control Engineering III learning software, you can create your own control loop as a signal flow diagram (block structure) and examine the behavior of the controllers, systems and control loops in the time domain.


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