
Learn and understand the fundamentals of closed-loop control technology with the ControlBoard-LT and
the related learning software.

ControlBoards dimensions are 17x12x6(l x w x b in cm) and it´s connected via USB.

Closed-Loop Control

Brightness system:

  • Main-LED,
  • Brightness sensor,
  • LED for disturbance.

Temperature system :

  • adjusted with a Peltier elemen,
  • Variation between app. 15°C to 40°C
Examine controlled system
Closed-loop control with standard controllers
Define and alter controller parameters
Optimise control loops
Languages: english, german, french
Advanced Mode
The advanced mode provides following additional functionalities:
  • Analysing of the characteristic curve
  • Linearising the characteristic curve
  • Temperature control with and without fan
  • P system with dead time
  • Modified brightness control

Related Products:

LC2030 Training (software): Choose between different types of closed-loop controls or run the plant with open-loop controls (GRAFCET or logic-plans) [mehr].

Workstation LC2030: Workstation for practical courses in open and closed loop control [more].

WinErs Laboratory Version: Develop an individual control and process visualisation for the plant [more].

Mehr Information:

Infoblatt (.pdf)

Preisliste Boards

More information:

Flyer (.pdf)

Price List

Please contact us for further information [more].