Equipment LC2010
2 Plexiglas storage tanks, capacity approx. 8 L
1 Rack for pumps
1 control panel
Open-loop control
2 Radial pumps
3 Level float switch
3 Operation switch
2 Push-button switch
3 Operation LED(green, yellow,red)
Closed-loop control
1 centrifugal pump with adjustable flow rate for level control via outflow
Optional Extensions
Level control with control valve via inflow
Temperature control with heating rod
Cooling unit for temperature control
Flow rate control with adjustable pump
Flow rate control with control valve
Pressure control with adjustable pump


Closed-loop pressure control for LC2030

Related Products:

LC2030 Training (software): Choose between different types of closed-loop controls or run the plant with open-loop controls (GRAFCET or logic-plans) [more].

WinErs Laboratory Version: Develop an individual control and process visualisation for the plant [more].

More Information:

Info-Flyer english (.pdf)

Price List

Please contact us for further information [Contact]